MIKTA Embarks on Cultural Diplomacy to Showcase Middle Power Diversity
MIKTA is a middle power informal grouping of Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey and Australia launched at the United Nations General Assembly in 2013.
Collectively, MIKTA nations have a population of 556 million people representing about 7.4 per cent of the global population.
The group’s economies account for 7.1 per cent of global gross domestic product (GDP), according to World Bank 2018 data. “MIKTA symbolizes a broad trend in contemporary world politics…,” cited Council on Foreign Relations.

Indonesian Consul General Tuti Irman and South Korean Consul General Byung Won Chung sharing a light moment with BC MLA Anne Kang at the MIKTA reception. (Nikao Media)
Consulates of the five countries celebrated the organisation’s sixth anniversary earlier this month. It was held at the Consulate General of Indonesia hall in Vancouver.
The reception co-hosted by the Indonesian Consulate featured cultural performances and culinary delights.
Related: MIKTA Countries Highlight Heritage through Music and Food
It’s a celebration of the organisation’s unique and rich cultures, said Indonesian Consul General Dr. Tuti W. Irman.
She cited that informal group aims to contribute creative solutions to global and regional challenges in today’s setting. “MIKTA’s strength lies in its diversity.”
“This cultural showcase is another example of our best collaboration,” added Mexican Consul General Ana Berenice Diaz Ceballos Parada.
South Korean Consul General Byung-won Chung said the event showcases MIKTA countries’ special friendship, culture and cultural diversity.”
Turkish Consul General Mehmet Taylan Tokmak said “MIKTA countries represent a wide range of cultural diversity in the world, and also contribute to the cultural riches of Vancouver.”

Australian Didgeridoo Master Shine performing the “Kookaburra” tune. (Nikao Media)
“There’s nothing more quintessentially Australian than the didgeridoo,” said Australian Honorary Consul Kevin Lamb introducing didgeridoo master Shine to the audience.
The group represents four continents around the world, namely: Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceania. More info at mikta.org.